Sankey diagrams displaying the cytokines secreted by the different cell types (left) and their target cells (right) during muscle regeneration. The width of the connections is proportional to the "flow quantity". In the picture here the flow quantity is the number of curated evidences for the relation. The diagram on the left represents the cytokine secreted by each cell type, while the one on the right links secreted cytokines to the respective target cells. By hovering over a connection, the two entities involved are displayed as well as its weight, which represents the number of evidences stored in Myo-REG for that relation.

Statistics for cell-cell interactions

Piechart of cell-cell interaction mechanisms

The piechart represents the abundance of cell-cell interactions according to their mechanism. Here in Myo-REG we define five types of interaction mechanisms reported in the legend of the figure.

Statistics for pathways

Barplot of pathways in Myo-REG.

The barplot represents the number of manually curated pathway for each cell type stored in Myo-REG.

Statistics for molecular interactions and annotations

The interactive tree describes the type and number of "molecular effects" for interactions stored in Myo-REG. An effect annotation is associated to each interaction according to its type (e.g. up-regulates quantity by expression, down-regulates activity). All of these effect types are organized in a hierarchical structure as shown by the tree. By hovering over each effect type, the number of each effect type for all molecular interactions stored in Myo-REG is displayed.

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